Want To Lose Weight? Try a glass of this herb

If you want to lose weight, but you do not have enough time to exercise, then one way is to set the diet and choose the type of food. Among the many foods, there are some that can help us lose weight and get a flatter stomach, such as lemon, ginger, cucumber, and celery.

Lemon can help you lose weight and also good for health. Lemon is a fruit rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, and its acidity improves digestion and protects the liver. In addition, lemons have diuretic properties, which detoxify fat burning. Consuming lemons in various ways and following a balanced daily intake of nutrients will help us achieve our goals.

Cucumber is one of the best foods of all time that contains water and natural sodium. Cucumber is not only refreshing, but also very low in calories, cucumber is also a source of vitamin C that will make your skin become shiny and healthy.

Ginger is an excellent root for reducing inflammation, improving digestion, reducing cholesterol, general relaxation and, of course, burning fat. Some people use it to reduce belly fat and expect to have a flat stomach.

Celery leaves are a kind of parsley plant that has small leaves and is usually a complementary vegetables in cooking. But who would have thought that besides as a complementary food was celery leaves are also very good for beauty and to help you lose weight.

95 percent of the content in celery leaves is water. This makes celery leaves very easy to digest so as not to make food accumulation in the stomach. Besides the efficacy of other celery leaves is to shed the poison and dirt so you will be able to be healthier.

All four ingredients that can be mixed into a drink that can help streamline your waist size.

This drink is also very useful for detoxification and eliminate excess bad fats from your body. By drinking this herb, you have a huge energy boost that not only improves your health, but also your mind.

Last but not least, this beverage increases your metabolism thus stimulating weight loss. What kind of ingredients are presented in the Women's Daily Tips page? Check out the procedure.

What You Need

- 1/2 lemon
- 1 cucumber fruit
- 1 teaspoon of grated ginger
- Some strands of paterseli or celery
- 1/3 of a cup of water

How to make

Mix all ingredients using a blender, serve in a glass. Eat these beneficial drinks every night before you sleep.

Illustration (Shutterstock)
In addition to consuming the herb, according to nutritionist Karen Ansel MS, RDN, author of Healing Superfoods for Anti-Aging: Stay Younger Live Longer, there are two other simple things that can help lose weight naturally, without a strict diet or routine to the gym, that is:

Eat more fiber

According to Ansel, fiber is one of the best nutrition supporters of ideal body weight, but most people only consume half of the recommended daily amount of fiber (25 grams for women and 38 grams for men). Because fiber plays a big role in controlling hunger, like a sponge in the stomach, fiber will expand in your stomach and make you feel full longer longer than other nutrients.

Eating fiber will also encourage the growth of good bacteria in the stomach, the type of bacteria that keeps your hunger hormone in control. Thus, the less likely you are to snack and eat unnecessary calories. Ansel added that recent research has even shown that fiber has the ability to trap other calories after digestion.

That is, fiber also helps you to get rid of calories that are already in the body. Fiber can be found in foods containing grains, as well as in nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Reduce the portion of each meal

Eat as usual, but reduce the portion of at least 30 percent of Ansel. For example, you might think that a bowl of rice is a serving, now, consume a third of the rice bowl. If you manage to cut a portion at each meal, you will unconsciously cut the amount of calories that enter the body, which in turn will help lower a few kilograms of body weight.

So, you do not need to avoid favorite foods, simply reduce the portion.


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