Obesity and obesity, these two things have become a scourge for the community and often not realized that obesity is one of the factors triggering various diseases. Research says that there are more than one billion people worldwide suffering from obesity or overweight, and 300 million of them suffer from obesity. Consumption of high-calorie foods and fat and lack of exercise is a major cause of obesity or obesity.
Obesity and obesity tend to occur in developed countries and America is the country with the highest obesity population in the world. Although in Indonesia the prevalence rate of obesity and obesity is still low, but this problem needs to be wary.
Here are some factors that cause obesity to watch out for, such as:
1. Geneticall
Genetic factors are one cause of obesity or obesity that can not be controlled. Parents who are overweight or obese tend to lower this trait to their children. So do not be surprised if you meet a family that almost all of its members suffer from overweight or overweight.
2. Hormonal
In the human body there are two main hormones that control weight, namely Leptin and Ghrelin. Both of these hormones can affect a person's weight. Although, these two hormones are genetically affected, but their work functions can also be controlled by some other things.
3. Consumption of food
Consumption of foods high in carbohydrates, sugar and fat is one cause of excess weight. Carbohydrates are the main energy source in the body that will be broken down into simple sugars and used in metabolic processes.
If you consume excessive carbohydrates, the body will store the excess in the muscle and cause obesity.
4. Lack of exercise
Lack of exercise is one of the factors causing obesity. Based on data reported by WHO, lack of physical activity including exercise can cause health problems such as obesity and obesity that can lead to diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
As we know that heart disease and diabetes are the two main causes of high mortality in the world.
5. Less consumption of fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain many nutrients and rich in fiber that can maintain digestive function and other organs. Lack of fiber consumption can cause many problems such as constipation, obesity, obesity and other diseases including cancer.
6. Drugs
Some drugs can trigger body fatness such as birth control pills or contraceptive pills that are routinely consumed by women. Research proves that estrogen-containing pills can trigger fat accumulation in the body.
7. Lifestyle
Lifestyle can affect our body and cause obesity and other health problems. Why is that? Modern lifestyle tends to make people lazy to exercise or exercise and consume foods that are high in calories.
The number of fast food restaurants often become the choice and the habit of spending time with gadgets in the leisure can make our body more easily fat.
8. Consumption of alcohol
Alcohol is one of the addictive substances that can cause weight gain and obesity. Drinks containing alcohol are usually high in calories and can trigger hunger. Usually people who consume alcohol will eat more and tend to eat high-calorie foods.
Based on this, if you want to lose weight should stay away from alcohol as much as possible.
9. Brain damage
Damage that occurs in the brain can also be one cause of overweight and even obesity. In 1840 a doctor in Germany found a patient suffering damage to his brain, especially in the hypothalamus and the patient rapidly gained weight and became obese.
How to lose weight
Have you tried various ways to lose weight but have not got results? Can be a diet or your weight loss program is less precise. The main key in losing weight is only three, namely eating right, exercise regularly and enough rest. To find out how to lose weight naturally, consider the following explanation:
A. Eating properly
What is eating right? The purpose of the statement is to choose foods correctly. Then how? There are many ways that can be done include:
1. Choose a healthy diet
That is, when eating food notice what is in the dish. Healthy foods contain enough carbohydrates, protein and fiber, but keep in mind that the ratio of food is very important in the effort to lose weight. Fill half a portion of food with vegetables or fruit.
2. Eat food at the right time
Selection of the type of food consumed should be adjusted with meal time. Due to errors in choosing the portion / type of food can cause your weight gain and cause obesity.
3. Choose the right breakfast menu
At breakfast should consume enough food to provide energy but not burdensome digestive tract such as oatmeal, eggs, fruits and vegetables.
If you do not have much time to prepare breakfast, you can soak the oatmeal in milk and mix it with fruit at night and consume it in the morning.
4. Determine the right lunch menu
Lunch is a great time if you want to eat a filling meal that suits your taste. You can still eat rice, meat, chicken or other protein but still pay attention to the portion and how to process it.
If you want to eat foods with normal portions, then consume more vegetables (especially green vegetables) and fruit, because it will make you feel fuller without having to reduce the portion of the meal. Should avoid the consumption of fried foods, sugar and excess carbohydrates during lunch.
At dinner try to choose foods that are low in calories, but filling like fruit and vegetables. If you still want to eat carbohydrates and protein at dinner, then choose foods that contain complex carbohydrates such as potatoes and tubers and set the protein portion in your diet.
Eat three hours before bedtime so as not to burden the digestive tract when you are asleep. Keep in mind that eating foods that are fried and contain carbohydrates at night is "BIG NO" alias is not recommended for those of you who want to lose weight.
6. Avoid fatty foods
As much as possible avoid foods that contain lots of oils and fats as well as high carbohydrates. Such foods can burden the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the risk of obesity. In our body there are many fat cells and these cells can multiply and enlarge if the body receives intake of foods high in carbohydrates and excess fat.
These fat cells are the main place to store food reserves so that the more you eat the more fat cells are formed in the body.
7. Choose the right product
In order to have the ideal weight, choose low-fat (low fat) and low calorie (low calories) food products. You can check it on the food label listed on the packaging such as dairy products, sugar, flour, and others
Avoid also adding butter, mayonnaise, or other food products into the diet in excess. Butter does make food more enjoyable, but remember that butter contains fat and calories that can add to your weight.
8. Eat small portions
Try to eat with small dishes to limit your portion of the meal. Eating with small portions but often more effective in weight loss efforts. With small portions you can eat 4-5 times a day of course with attention to the intake of foods that enter the body.
9. Reduce calorie foods
Remember that satiety is not triggered by the amount of calories that enter the body but the amount of food. Reduce calories in your cooking by replacing fatty and high carbohydrate foods with vegetables or fruits.
This can be handled in many ways, such as replacing cream-based soups with vegetable broth, replacing bread on burgers with salads, replacing full cream milk on low-fat dairy foods, reducing cheese and meat on pasta.
You can also add spinach or tomato to keep your dish delicious and you can still eat it with the same portion but with lower calories.
10. Consumption of supplements if necessary
You can also consume fat-burning supplements such as green tea, because a study proves that green tea can burn fat and increase energy metabolism in the body. Consumption of green tea before meals can also reduce hunger and prevent you from overeating.
B. Exercise and physical activity
Exercise and physical activity is very important in building posture and weight loss. Research suggests that eating only low-calorie foods will not lose weight significantly if not accompanied by physical activity.
There are many ways to increase physical activity especially for those of you who have low mobility, such as:
11. Try to routinely perform physical activities
You do not have to think that physical activity is always associated with strenuous exercise, doing light activities like walking or cycling for an hour a day is enough to keep your weight.
12. Do regular exercise 10 minutes three times a day
If you work in an office, then you can walk for ten minutes, up and down stairs or doing other activities. Research shows that routine physical activity 150 minutes a week can help you lose weight.
13. Perform other physical activities
Do not just sit in front of a TV, computer or gadget, try to do other physical activities such as playing basketball with friends, swimming, hiking, or gardening on weekends. In addition to burning calories, physical activity will also reduce the production of cortisol or better known as stress-triggering hormones.
As we know that stress can also be bad for the body, stressful people tend to eat more and continue to feel hungry resulting in weight gain.
Active muscles work more optimally in burning more calories than less used muscles. Stretch by swimming, push ups, sit ups, and other types of stretching activities.
15. Do a HIIT exercise
One of the most recommended sports methods for those of you who want to lose weight is HIIT or High Intensive Interval Training. HIIT can be done with any type of exercise including cardio exercises including running, brisk walking, swimming and more.
HIIT method in question is a combination of exercise with high intensity with longer rest time. For example if you do 30 minutes of HIIT practice then you will pass several phases ie 1 minute run fast and 2 minutes walk, then 1 minute run fast and 2 minutes walk so on. Here's a HIIT method from fitnessblender.com that you can try:
HIIT exercise is considered effective in burning fat and calories in the body and is also one of the training methods to lose weight in a relatively short time.
16. Get enough rest
One of the keys in losing weight is to simply rest or sleep. While sleeping the body improves the function of the organs and clears the gastrointestinal tract from toxic substances as well as residual metabolism.
Adequate sleep can help to lose weight and restore your stamina is reduced after doing activities in the day. Various studies have proven the relationship between quality and quantity of sleep with a person's weight.
Lack of sleep can disrupt the body's work system and trigger mutations in some genes that control weight and mutations of these genes can lead to obesity in the future. Not only does it affect genetic change, sleep deprivation can also lead to loss of control of hunger and satiety in the body.
This is due to lack of sleep, the body can not control the regulation of the hormone ghrelin or known as the hormone triggers hunger. As a result a person will easily feel hungry and do not feel full even after eating in normal portions. Ghrelin hormone is usually reduced after eating and leptin levels (hormones that trigger satiety) will increase.
But the body of a person who sleeps less will have difficulty in regulating the hunger and satiety due to damage to the control of both hormones. Then how to restore the quality and quantity of our sleep so that we can lose weight optimally? Consider the following explanation:
- Try to sleep and wake up at the same time each day and should avoid staying up late if not necessary. This will be very beneficial to improve the biological rhythm of the body and increase control over the functions of organs in the body
- Perform physical activity every day for at least 30 minutes, this not only helps to lose weight but also can improve the quality of sleep
- Stay away from caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine if you want to sleep early. All three of these substances can stimulate the nervous system and can keep you awake through the night
- Avoid consuming food before bed because this can incriminate the work of the digestive tract while we sleep. Eat up to three hours before bedtime
- Basking under the scorching sun for 30 minutes can help improve sleep quality and treat sleep disorders like insomnia
- Try to make you feel relax before bed. Do not watch TV, play computer or gadget before you sleep. The light reflected by these electronic devices can trigger the eyes and our brains stay awake and consequently you can not sleep early
- Sleep seven to eight hours a day. If you lack of sleep during the weekday then you can pay your sleep debt on the weekend or weekend.
- The whole way to lose weight quickly can be very effective and helpful of course if you really intend to reduce your weight and discipline in maintaining diet, exercise and adequate rest.
Ignoring these things and feeling lazy can get in the way of the results you want to get. So, it is recommended before you start the weight loss program should strengthen your intention first.
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