The Benefits of Mild Exercise For 30 Minutes For Health

For those of you who want to start a healthy life, instilling exercise habits on yourself is certainly not an easy thing. But it turns out, you do not need to choose a sport that is heavy and takes a long time to get a healthier body and fitter.

Quoted from Boldsky, by doing physical exercise for 30 minutes, you can already feel some benefits for the body. Here's the review.

1. Increase energy

Tired of doing work at home and at work? If your energy level is low then half an hour of physical exercise is the important thing you need to add energy to your body. The nutrients and oxygen your body needs will be recovered automatically, increasing your energy. So the overall health of your body increases.

2. Good for the heart

For those of you who are worried about various heart problems, short-term physical exercise for 30 minutes can fight all heart related diseases. The reasoning behind this is that as you become more active, good cholesterol ie high-density lipoprotein (HDL) begins to increase and unhealthy triglycerides automatically decrease. Your blood circulation will flow smoothly and avoid heart disease.

3. Reduce stress

Exercising for 30 minutes can also make you avoid stress. Physical exercise generally increases levels of chemicals in the brain such as norepinephrine that helps control and overcome stress so that mental tension can be reduced or even lost.

4. Increase memory

Memory and physical exercise are two interrelated things. The more you exercise, the more maca production cells in the part of the brain called the hippocampus that control thinking and improve your memory.

5. Reduce weight

For those who struggle to lose weight, physical exercise for 30 minutes can be very influential to achieve their weight loss goals. For those who exercise for a longer time will certainly drain their energy more and make them eat more food as well. So, research shows that, those who exercise in the not too long (30 minutes) can get many benefits, especially in weight.

6. Maintain blood pressure levels

Regular physical exercise for 30 minutes can help you control blood pressure. Studies show that with shorter exercise, the likelihood of an increase in blood pressure may be reduced by up to 29%. Exercising in leisure can keep you from taking lifelong pills that are usually done by those who have abnormal blood pressure.

7. Reduce the risk of diabetes

Physical exercise is proven to help lower blood sugar levels so make the pancreas work in our body much easier. As a result, the production of insulin in our system is also well maintained and the risk of developing Type II diabetes will decrease.


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