Oral Health It Turns The Body Condition

You may think that the mouth only becomes the place where food and drinks enter the body. Apparently the function of the mouth is more than that, the mouth is the entrance gate various kinds of substances from the outside into the entire body.

Oral health is important to keep in mind that all diseases of germs and bacteria enter through the mouth. But do you know? The mouth can also indicate to one's health.

What diseases can be known by mouth? Quoted from Simple Most, Sunday (26/2/2017) the following are signs of disease that can be known through health and mouth conditions according to Dr. Bill Dorfman, DDS

1. Bad breath

A sour mouth can be a sign that you have diabetes. The smell of the mouth that feels fishy can also indicate a disruption in the liver / liver. Although bad breath is often associated with oral hygiene is actually bad breath can also mark cancer in the lungs, throat and stomach.

2. Dry mouth

Dry mouth can be an indication of various diseases such as psychological illness (depression and anxiety), allergies, obesity, epilepsy, asthma and various other diseases. Dry mouth can be caused by the lack of saliva in the mouth.

The use of saliva is actually to melincinkan and clean food from bacteria that enter through the mouth. Dry saliva in the mouth can be a serious illness like Sjogren's syndrome.

3. Dental damage

According to Dorfman, tooth decay is a sign of body problems in processing blood sugar. Tooth decay occurs due to excess sugar in the saliva thus increasing the amount of bacteria that cause damage to the teeth. Damage to the teeth can also be a sign of diabetes.

4. Toothbrushing

Defined as a loss of substance or component in the tooth or can be called tooth erosion. Erosion of teeth is often associated with GERD / gastric acid. This occurs because the acid content rises from the esophagus to the tooth so that it can peel off the enamel on the tooth.

5. Bleeding gums

Bloody gums are indicated by Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. This disease occurs when the gums are redder than normal gum colors. When you brush your teeth it can even make your bleeding gums.

Inflammation that occurs is caused by the appearance of plaque on the gums. If left unchecked can result in tooth loss.

6. The appearance of white spots on the tongue

White spot on the tongue is a sign of infection or the development of candida fungus, a sign like this is often referred to as 'oral thrush'. This happens when the immune system is weak because of illness or taking drugs such as antibiotics.

Signs that can occur are difficult to swallow and pain in the corners and the roof of the mouth.

While being susceptible to early stage diseases it can be done is to look at how the condition of the mouth. Mouth condition is very influential on the disease being suffered.

With so many diseases that can be seen from the mouth we are also encouraged to maintain cleanliness in the mouth.


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