This is The Reason Why You Should Drink

Getting a healthy and beautiful body needs routine maintenance both from outside and inside, one of them with a simple ritual of drinking tea every day. As quoted from the site Good House Keeping, Tuesday (25/4/2017), drinking tea regularly can nourish the body and make your appearance more beautiful from within. So what are the benefits of drinking tea? Here's more reviews.

1. Sharpen memories

Drinking a cup of tea can keep the memory as evidenced through recent research at the National University of Singapore. The scientists found that consuming tea reduces the risk of memory loss and brain function in the elderly by 50% and as much as 86% for those of you who have a genetic predisposition of Alzheimer's. That way you always look fresh every day.

2. Calming the mind

According to a small study by the American Chemical Society, herbal drinks such as tea can help relieve the disease. Especially the disease caused by the work of the brain that diforsir cause stress. Consuming tea can calm the mind and make the disease away from the body.

3. Healthy teeth

According to a 2009 study in the Journal of Periodontology, green tea helps improve the health of teeth and gums because of the antioxidant content in it. Be it green and black tea can protect the erosion of teeth by soda and other harmful compounds.

4. Lowering blood pressure

U.S. Department of Agriculture Research report that a bright red beverage one of them is beneficial for those of you who suffer from early or mild hypertension. To ward off the danger of high blood pressure you can consume tea every day.

5. Make youth

The last thing that makes tea so special is slowing down aging. Tea leaves contain polyphenols in large doses of antioxidants that are magical compounds. This compound can make you look younger and inhibit aging. By consuming tea every day can keep you young from within.


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